This website is the website of Copenhagen Infrastructure Service Company ApS and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“CISC”).
CISC is owned by Copenhagen Infrastructure II K/S (CI II), Copenhagen Infrastructure III K/S (CI III), Copenhagen Infrastructure IV K/S (CI IV), Copenhagen Infrastructure New Market Fund I (NMF I), Copenhagen Infrastructure Energy Transition Fund I (ETF I), Copenhagen Infrastructure Advanced Bioenergy Fund I DK A K/S (ABF I), and CI Green Credit Fund I (GCF I), all investment funds managed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP).
Nothing on this website is intended to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any interest in CISC or any of its subsidiaries and affiliates or assets managed by CISC, nor in any investment vehicle managed by CIP or any company in which CIP or its affiliates have invested. You are responsible for obtaining your own legal, tax and financial advice before entering into any transaction or investment with CISC or its subsidiaries and affiliates, or with CIP or any investment vehicle managed by CIP, and the website may not be used as the basis for any decision or action.
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While we strive to update this website continuously, we assume no liability for the completeness, accuracy, sufficiency, accessibility, functionality, timeliness or compliance with applicable laws of information on the website. When using the website you therefore accept the risk that information may be incomplete or imprecise and that it may not meet your requirements.